South West IOM Invitational


Sat 26 Sep 2020 09:00 — Sun 27 Sep 2020 21:00

Event information

This event has passed.

All times are local time as available on local mobile phone services.
Day One: 26/09/2020
Registration: 1100 to 1115 hours
Measurement and inspection: 1100 to 1115 hours
Briefing commences: 1115 hours
Warning signal for first race: 1130 hours
Racing concludes: No heat will commence after 1630 hours
Day 2: 27/09/2020
Briefing commences: 0945 hours

ARYA Standard Notice of Race
1 August 2019 Page 2

Warning signal for first race: 1000 hours
Racing concludes: No Race will commence after 1530 hours
Presentation function: As soon as possible after racing ends